Some people say that smoking is not a problem, while the nicotine found in tobacco is very addictive. It has even been compared to cocaine and heroin addiction. Although it does cause withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, insomnia, and nervousness.
Also, some people say that only adults smoke cigarettes… But 90% of smokers started when they were teenagers. The sverage age of a person who starts smoking is 13. The average person who uses smokeless tobacco at is 12-25 years old.
Again, people begin to say that once you start using tobacco, the damage is done and there’s nothing you can do. When someone quits smoking/dipping the body starts to heal itself from drug related problems. For example: Blood pressure can go back to normal after just 20 minutes. Lung function improves after one week of not smoking. After 10 to 15 years of not smoking, any risk of tobacco related diseases greatly reduce in percentage.
Many people say that using tobacco helps their body relax, but the nicotine in tobacco is a stimulant. Any stimulant keeps it up, not down. (they they do not calm your body down.) Plus, no other drug keeps a user as busy as smoking. Also, many people say that smoking will help you lose weight In weight loss, it is much smarter and safer to exercise and make positive changes in your diet than to use tobacco products. Smoking does not help you lose or gain weight.