I found this article at http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/18/opinions/obeidallah-glenn-beck/index.html
In this article, Glenn Beck was the main editor. Beck mentions many of Trump’s unnecessary comments towards immigrants and interviews, protesters, and a state senator.
Most of his ill-mannered remarks were directed towards people who didn’t support him or what he had to say. In Vermont at a recent campaign rally, Trump was so annoyed that when a man had interrupted him that he said: “All right, get him out. …Get him out of here!” soon thereafter, adding, “Don’t give him his coat! Keep his coat. You know it’s about 10 degrees below zero outside.” Stats also show that Trump is in the lead for the presidential election. He ends his argument with, “Do you want that kind of guy as your president?”
I agree with Beck. I believe that most of the things Trump does/says, it’s as if he is saying it for entertainment rather than for the presidential election. I also believe that he is very racist and stereotypical.
If, in fact, Trump does win the election, I believe this country would be heading in the wrong direction. This could change the country tremendously.