Sander’s Seemingly Impossible Dreams

I got this article from

In this article, the writer discusses Sanders past elections as the mayor of Burlington, Vermont. The article is divided into 2 sections, which he turns into questions. 1- Can you translate your bold vision into reality? 2- Can you get elected? Or would your nomination make a president Cruz more likely? For the first question, the editor first talks about his conversation with Sanders, himself. Also,  in this portion of the article, he discusses his part in the political race. Much like the author’s admiration for Sanders passion in his relentless focus on the world’s inequality. For the second  question, he talks about Sander’s vision of finding a way to make Medicare available for all people, although he would come up short $3 trillion, in just a decade. This article shows many highlights and bad parts of Bernie Sanders campaign.

It kind of seems as though the author doesn’t have a side, but more of an opinion on the things Sander’s has to say. But with the things he said, I will agree that Sander’s goals seem to almost be, out of reach.