I believe that we can all agree that with all of the presidential candidates, no matter who is chosen to be president, they will be making major changes in this country. But in this article, the writer talks about “Sanders’ Debating Style” and “Clinton’s Strength,” and I think that this shows us that the writer might have been biased towards Clinton. As you continue to read on in the article, he talks about how Clinton’s dream is much more realistic, and while Sanders is the image of perfection for most of this country, it is just almost impossible, talking about how he had no clue as to how his plan would work. I agree with what the editor has to say about Bernie Sanders and his crazy expectations, but I do not fully believe that they are impossible. While most people like to be realists, I like to look at this from an idealistic point of view.
If Clinton does win the election, that will change this country forever and make history, considering the fact that she will be the first female president.